POSH Policy

Overview and Purpose

  1. Commitment to a Safe Workplace

Thermistance Technology Services Private Limited (“Thermistance” or “Company”) is dedicated to ensuring a work environment free from harassment, where everyone is treated with respect and dignity. Any form of harassment is not acceptable and will result in strict disciplinary action.

  1. Legal Compliance

This policy follows The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition, and Redressal) Act, 2013, and the Ministry of Women and Child Development Notification from December 19, 2013.

  1. Zero Tolerance

Harassment by anyone within the company, including employees, managers, directors, or contractors, will not be tolerated.

  1. Non-Discrimination

Harassment or discrimination against job candidates and employees is prohibited in all aspects of employment, including hiring, training, evaluations, promotions, and other work practices.


This policy applies to all Thermistance employees in India, including those on deputation, contract, temporary, part-time, or consultants. It also applies to subcontractors and vendors.


  1. Sexual Harassment Includes


A person who reports sexual harassment.


A person accused of sexual harassment.


All Thermistance premises, client or vendor locations, or any place visited for work, including transportation provided by the company.

Policy Details

Internal Complaints Committee (ICC)

An ICC is established in all company centers to address sexual harassment complaints. The committee includes external members from NGOs or those knowledgeable about sexual harassment issues. Initial members are:

The ICC operates under the Act and related regulations.

  1. Complaint Handling
  1. Conciliation
  1. Absence of Party
  1. False Complaints
  1. ICC Powers


Anyone unhappy with the final report or non-implementation of recommendations can appeal to a court or tribunal within 30 days.


There are no exceptions to this policy.

Effective Date

This policy is part of the employee handbook and Standing Orders and is effective immediately upon publication.